This hop is hosted by the awesome Parajunkee and the wonderful Alison from Alison Can Read!
This week's question:
What are some of your favorite picture books – either current ones or ones from your childhood?
My picks:

This counts right?? It has pictures ;)
I still have this! :)

I remember trying to create my own Roxaboxen in my backyard. Those summers were the best days... ;)

This was so sweet!
And last but not least...
All my Korean picture books! I have a few sets of books with colorful pictures like the one above, and I couldn't choose my favorite. :D
(The one above is the Korean version of Cinderella :) ).
Looking through this list makes me so nostalgic! I think I wanna go back and read all of them again ahaha (my mile long TBR list can wait ;) ).
So what are your picks?:)
Thank you so much for stopping by!
I haven't read any of those books but they seem really good. I had my first Bible but it wasn't like that..
New GFC follower
christine @ Bibliophilic Madness
I had actually forgotten I had a picture Bible which I absolutely loved! My favourite part about it now is that the characters aren't white! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great weekend!
My Friday post
Juli @ Universe in Words
I loved Love You Forever! I still have my copy!
Old follower via GFC, but I'm now following via Bloglovin too!
Kristen @OCA
@Christine Danielle
Thank you so much for stopping by and following!:)
@Juli Rahel
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend as well :)
Thanks for stopping by and for being a follower ;)
Hope you have a great weekend!:)
I love you forever was a find book of mine growing up! New follower
Thank you so much for stopping by and following!:)
The cover of Love You Forever looks so cute. Happy Reading!
New GFC follower.
Here's my FF.
Thank you so much for stopping and following!:)
Have an awesome weekend!:)
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