Hi everyone! This weekly meme is hosted by the lovely Alison at Alison Can Read and the awesome Parajunkee! :)
This week's question:
Do you decide in advance what you read for the coming week or month? Why / why not?
Nope! I just pick up whatever I can get my hands on. :) My mood when it comes to books changes quite often (one hour I'd be craving high fantasy and the next some fluffy chick-lit ;) ).
How about you guys?
Thank you so much for stopping by!
I'm a total mood reader and it can change very quick too. Keeps reading fun as well I think.
I'm an old bloglovin follower.
Here is my post.
Have a great weekend.
I'm a bit of a mood reader too. I create a list for the month, then I read off the list based on my moods. I also break from the list frequently and read whatever I feel like!
Here's my Follow Friday
I am both a mood reader and a planner it all depends on if I received ARC's or if I just finished a book in a series which than I will continue to the next book!
New GFC follower
xx Kat xx
I'm a big mood reader myself but I do like to plan a few titles ahead.
New GFC follower
Monique @ Mo_Books
Gah! There are so many mood readers in this community; I feel left out! :P
New follower!
Sparrow's F&F
@Sharon Taylor Xuereb
Thank you so much for stopping by!
@Lisa Marie
Thank you so much for stopping by!:)
@Kat T
I don't think I could ever be a planner LOL. ;) Thank you so much for stopping by and following!:)
@Monique Mo Books
Thank you so much for stopping by and following!:)
@Claudia (SparrowHawk)
Ahh I'm sorry! Planners are awesome too. :D
Thank you so much for stopping by and following!:)
I do both. I read books I'm in the mood for and books that are on more of a schedule for review or a series of books I know I want to start. I'm a new GFC and bloglovin' follower.
Elizabeth @ STuffed Shelves
That's cooL!:)
Thank you so much for stopping by and following!:)
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