Hi guys!!:)
Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by the wonderful Rachel over at Parajunkee and the fabulous Alison over at Alison Can Read
This week's question:
What were your favorite books of 2013?
This question is overloading my senses... omg.
But I'll narrow that down to my top ten (or else we'll all be here 'til next week) ;)
(in no particular order)
1. If He Had Been With Me by Laura Nowlin
2. Hawksong by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
3. The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa [squeee!! 4 more months until Forever Song. My heart is ready to get ripped out again. (No not really, but when's it ever going to be ready? ;) ]
4. Christy Miller series by Robin Jones Gunn
5. A Charmed Life collection by Jenny B Jones
6. Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson
7. Splintered by AG Howard (ONLY 5. MORE. DAYS. UNTIL. UNHINGED. Forget Forever Song. I'm pretty sure this one will finish me off...)
8. The Ordinary Princess by MM Kaye
9. Dragon's Bait by Vivian Vande Velde
10. Me Since You by Laura Wiess (Just read this one right before the new year started!)
Was the reaping as hard for you as it was for me?
Leave your comments below!
(And thank you so much for stopping by!;))
Leave your comments below!
(And thank you so much for stopping by!;))
I also listed a tonne of favorites. So hard to choose just one.
Thanks for stopping by my FF
Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog
Another Amelia Atwater Rhodes fan! Yes. I loved Hawksong so much. Danica and Zane rock. It is a great enemies at first sight story! Have you read the rest of the books in her Shapeshifter series?
I'm familiar with Jenny B Jones from your Sidekick Showcase post. It's on my TBR list.
Happy Friday!!
I totally agree with you!
Thanks for stopping by and the follow!:)
Definitely!:) This book got me hooked back onto fantasy again!
No I haven't gotten the chance yet lol. I know it's been almost a year since I've read this, but I got side-tracked with all the new releases that hit me during summer. I'm going to try to get to the rest of the series this year (hopefully!) ^.^
Happy Friday!!!:D
Hope your New Years Day was fabulous! ;)
THE ETERNITY CURE!! YES, that ENDING broke my heart. i need to read the forever song, NOW. :'( That book has one of my all-time favorite book scenes ever though - it involves a car, an evil twit named stephen (see what i did there to avoid spoilers lol), and a pissed off vampire. Happy Friday!! :D
Isabelle @ Isabelle's Book Reviews
I haven't read any of those books yet! Hope you have a great week. New GFC follower.
Great list, the Eternity Cure made my list too! Love the blog, new GFC follower : )
MY FF and int giveaway
It's definitely hard to come up with just a few. I feel ya! I'm going to try hard to read some Julie Kagawa this year. I never have before. :/ Happy Friday! :D
It was a HARD choice!
New follower here, love your blog :-)
Kirsty @ All in One Place
LOL clever!:)
AND YES! 4 MONTHS!!! (and we still need a cover :( )
Thanks for stopping by!:)
I Def. recommend reading The Eternity Cure (and The Immortal Rules!)!
Thanks for stopping by!! :)
Happy Friday!
I loved The Eternity Cure too. It didn't end up in my favorites of the year, but it was definitely one of the best reads I had all year. Great choices!
Followed through GFC.
My FF post.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me! I'm a new follower through GFC! I really want to read Splinter. I've heard so many great things about it!
All but 2 of your picks are new to me! :) Yeah, narrowing down the list was a challenge - but I made my list longer! LOL I'm a new Bloglovin and GFC follower. Happy Reading! Bookworm Brandee
I have yet to read The Eternity Cure. I keep meaning to. It's going to happen soon. New Bloglovin' follower.
Mariko @ The Storybook Kingdom
Great list!
New follower via GFC and bloglovin :)
Here is our FF
Thanks for stopping by!!:)
Happy Friday!:)
She's the best! You should also read the Iron Fey series too!:)
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Friday!! :)
I totally agree!!
Thanks for stopping by and the follow!:)
Happy Friday!:)
Thanks for stopping by and the follow!
Happy Friday!:)
Splintered was really good! :)
Thanks for stopping by!:)
Happy Friday!:)
Thanks for stopping by and the follow!!:)
Happy Friday!
If you do get to it, tell me!! :)
We can rant/rave about it together LOL
Happy Friday!:)
Thanks for stopping and the follow!:)
Thank you!!:)
Happy Friday!:)
Thanks for the follow/stopping by!:)
Great list. I've got several of these on my TBR list but haven't gotten around to them. It may be time to start a few. Thanks so much for sharing. Have a great weekend and happy reading. New follower My FF
Have you read Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson? it is amazing! :) I need to pick up Second Chance Summer!
New follower via GFC :)
THere is my hop :)
Thank you!
Have a nice weekend!:)
Happy Friday!
Thanks for stopping by!!:)
Yes I have!:) I loved that book as well!:)
I heard she's releasing a new book soon too (by soon, in like a few years lol)
Thanks for stopping by!:)
lol love your *gif image...
Haven't read any of those yet but I am a new follower via GFC :).
Kanettra@A Readers' Sanctuary.
Thanks for stopping by/follow!
Happy Friday!:)
I haven't read any of these! Thanks for sharing!
My FF. New follower via GFC.
Emily @All in a Book
I had to narrow down my list too!
New follower via GFC! My FF @ A Novel Idea by Chrissy T
Great list! I haven't read any of these, but some are on my TBR.
Thanks for the follow. I'm now following you on GFC.
Thanks for stopping by/follow!:)
:) Thanks for stopping by and for the follow!:)
Thanks for stopping by and for the follow!:)
Haha it was so hard for me to narrow down my list. I had about 15 that I wanted to put up (my top rated ones) but I somehow got it down to my top 4!
Great list
New BL follower
The Book Cove
:) Thanks for stopping by and follow!:)
Haha, so many favourites! Looks like someone had a great year! ;)
Old follower!
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