Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Finding Keepers Blog Tour! Review+Giveaway+ Favorite Quotes

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Hi everyone! I'm super excited to introduce to you Finding Keepers, a touching tale of a foster kid who finally finds a family and a home.  There's more about the book and the author below, as well as my review and fav. quotes! :) Thanks for stopping by!:D

Genre: YA Contemporary
Release date: July 30th 2014
Purchase: Paperback | Kindle | Nook
Synopsis via Goodreads:
Starting a new life is never easy, but Alyssa Doe has turned it into an art form. Abandoned by her parents at age ten, six years in foster care has taught Alyssa how to get through life the hard way.
Now sixteen and growing desperate for a stable life, Alyssa finds herself puzzled by her newest keeper, twenty-five year old Jessica Sona. A feisty woman who does not accept no for an answer, Jessica’s insistence and passion for safety, family, and unconditional love begin to break down Alyssa’s walls and bring her hope, a dangerous emotion.
Can such a thing as family and love exist for a girl whose birth name is Doe, or will Alyssa be forever left finding keepers?

About the Author
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Fixing broken computers, wrangling a very spirited little toddler, and creating new fantasy worlds are all parts of the average day for Kristi Strong. While she has called Virginia her home for two decades, her head has rested in two countries, three states, and far too many houses to count. She was more than happy to give up her nomadic lifestyle and settle down with her husband, daughter, cat and chinchilla.

A sweet story full of heart. :)

After I finished this one, I admit an audible “awww” escaped me.  It was a touching tale of a girl who, after being tossed around multiple homes, finally finds a family.

And if that doesn’t melt your heart, I don’t know what will. ;)

It’s really the characters that made this story.  There wasn’t really an overarching plot or anything, but rather it chronicles the life of Alyssa and her struggles to get through each day.  I loved Alyssa and watching her grow throughout the book.  While she's not fully healed at the end, she’s getting there, and with a group of people that cares for her and loves her, you know she’ll be alright. ;)

 Another favorite character of mine was Jessica.  She was so supportive and understanding, and she had a big heart that was not only big enough for Alyssa, but for her friends as well. While I did see that semi-plot twist a mile away, it in no way took away from all the things Jessica had done for Alyssa.  In fact, I felt it just made me love Jessica even more. :)

As for her friends, I adored Caleb (and yes I did sort of want Caleb and Alyssa to end of together!) and thought Brianna was a great friend as well. They were her rock and her family, and it was so sweet how they stuck with her through everything. I did,however, get the feeling the book was perhaps a bit overstuffed?   Every character had their own issues, and while there was nothing wrong with that (the world isn't perfect), I felt that there were just a lot of stuff that sort of seemed to be added in to try to make some of the characters seem more complex. Nonetheless, I did like how the issues were dealt with in the story and how realistic it was.  Another thing was that the villains in this novel (well, Alyssa’s mother primarily) seemed a little one-dimensional with no real depth to them; I wish we were able to see different sides of them. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that Alyssa’s mother was terribly wrong to say and do those things.

Thanks for reading! :)

Rating: 3 out of 5

My fav. quotes!

-“Well, from where I stand, you need a person that you can be mean to, be psycho around, and that person is just going to have be me.”

-It was a compass, a perfect circle of silver surrounding a pale gold tree of life. The cardinal directions glittered with tiny diamonds, a bright green emerald indicating north.

“Now you can always find your way home, no matter where life takes you,” Caleb whispered, as everyone gathered around her.

-Alyssa felt her heart swell as Jessica just smiled at the teens and said, “Please, call me Jessica.”

Thank you so much to the author and IFB Tours for allowing me to participate in this tour!:)

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