Welcome to the tour for Citadel of the Sky by Chrysoula Tzavelas. This is an adult epic fantasy (clean and appropriate for YA readers).
Citadel of the Sky by Chrysoula Tzavelas
Her (not very) Serene Highness Princess Tiana tries her best not to think about the dark lords ravaging her country or how the magic in her bloodline makes her family go mad. The descendant of a legendary hero, she prefers bringing the myths of old to life on the theater stage, not on the battlefield.
Then a rash of suspicious deaths strikes the Regents—trusted advisors, friends, and guides to her troubled royal family—and the Noble’s Council tries to cover it all up. Tiana is determined to get to the bottom of the murders and the conspiracy, even if that means making a dangerous pact with a telepathic demon trapped in a magical sword. But he may just be the edge she needs to save the people she loves.
Cursed sword in hand, Tiana and her friends prepare to face the encroaching darkness—and the ultimate truth about her and her family.
Then a rash of suspicious deaths strikes the Regents—trusted advisors, friends, and guides to her troubled royal family—and the Noble’s Council tries to cover it all up. Tiana is determined to get to the bottom of the murders and the conspiracy, even if that means making a dangerous pact with a telepathic demon trapped in a magical sword. But he may just be the edge she needs to save the people she loves.
Cursed sword in hand, Tiana and her friends prepare to face the encroaching darkness—and the ultimate truth about her and her family.
So before I start this review, I just want to say I love the dedication. :) It's really cute. xD
Okay, now onto the book itself. This book was a ride the entire way through - and I think it all had to do with how the book started. From the very first pages, you're just plunged into the world headfirst and without any warning. ( I thought I skipped some pages or something because it was so intense right from the start lol. ) This could be a good or bad thing, and I think it depends on your personal preference. Some people like beginnings starting without "mincing words" (so to speak xD)- but for me personally, I love the background story and then easing into the actiony stuff. I also expected the world and everything to be explained in more detail, but that doesn't really happen either. You get small hints, but otherwise, you're sort of on your own.
Once you get past that (and do some Googling on phantasmagory xD), you come to really appreciate how intricate this world is (and the incredible imagination of this author OMG). I honestly think, more than the characters, it was this confusing mass of a world that kept me reading until the end. It was convoluting, twisting, and... addicting? LOL. I was so lost in it, and I couldn't pull myself away from wanting to learn more and more about the different parts of it.
I have mixed feelings about the characters simply because there were SO many of them, and I had trouble keeping them all straight (there was a glossary thing in the back, but even so, my goodness- it was a full house ;) ). Some characters I loved (Tiana!! and Kiar!!), some characters I hated, and some characters that I totally forgot about as soon as I moved onto the next page. But one thing's for sure: the author made me feel something for each character. Even if it was utter hatred (>.>), I felt something for most of the characters, and I think that's pretty cool considering the number of characters there were xD. I think there were only a few characters whom I was completely disinterested in (and those few characters turned out to be minor anyways xD).
I get the feeling this book was more of a set up for the future books (THAT CLIFFHANGER THOUGH), and I'm looking forward to diving back into this world again! :)
So before I start this review, I just want to say I love the dedication. :) It's really cute. xD
Okay, now onto the book itself. This book was a ride the entire way through - and I think it all had to do with how the book started. From the very first pages, you're just plunged into the world headfirst and without any warning. ( I thought I skipped some pages or something because it was so intense right from the start lol. ) This could be a good or bad thing, and I think it depends on your personal preference. Some people like beginnings starting without "mincing words" (so to speak xD)- but for me personally, I love the background story and then easing into the actiony stuff. I also expected the world and everything to be explained in more detail, but that doesn't really happen either. You get small hints, but otherwise, you're sort of on your own.
Once you get past that (and do some Googling on phantasmagory xD), you come to really appreciate how intricate this world is (and the incredible imagination of this author OMG). I honestly think, more than the characters, it was this confusing mass of a world that kept me reading until the end. It was convoluting, twisting, and... addicting? LOL. I was so lost in it, and I couldn't pull myself away from wanting to learn more and more about the different parts of it.
I have mixed feelings about the characters simply because there were SO many of them, and I had trouble keeping them all straight (there was a glossary thing in the back, but even so, my goodness- it was a full house ;) ). Some characters I loved (Tiana!! and Kiar!!), some characters I hated, and some characters that I totally forgot about as soon as I moved onto the next page. But one thing's for sure: the author made me feel something for each character. Even if it was utter hatred (>.>), I felt something for most of the characters, and I think that's pretty cool considering the number of characters there were xD. I think there were only a few characters whom I was completely disinterested in (and those few characters turned out to be minor anyways xD).
I get the feeling this book was more of a set up for the future books (THAT CLIFFHANGER THOUGH), and I'm looking forward to diving back into this world again! :)
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
As an Air Force kid, Chrysoula went to twelve schools in twelve years and spent a lot of time wondering what made people tick. Books, it turned out, helped with that question. These days she lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family, which includes many small and demanding creatures who fight over her attention. Her first book, urban fantasy MATCHBOX GIRLS, was published in 2012 by the small press Candlemark & Gleam, followed annually by two more books in the same SENYAZA Series, all of which explore the impact of the supernatural on those who are— or who want to be— ordinary. Her next book, CITADEL OF THE SKY, is the first of a new series about the descendants of a Chosen One and the legacy of power and mental illness they’ve inherited. It’s also about Dark Lords and kicking butt in nice dresses.
The author will be giving away $10 Gift Card to online bookseller of choice (INT) to three winners of the below Rafflecopter. The giveaway ends June 16th.
I'm glad you mostly enjoyed this one. Thank you so much for hosting a tour stop and sharing your thoughts!
Thank you for the review and sorry about that cliffhanger! It was tough picking where exactly to end the story.
@Candance No problem! Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this tour! :)
@Chrysoula Tzavelas I think the cliffhanger (even though it was a bit abrupt ^-^ ) really makes me anticipate the next book more! :) Thank you so much for stopping by! :)
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