This book meme is hosted by the FANTASTIC people at The Broke and the Bookish
This week's topic is: Top Ten Books On Our Winter TBR
Oooo!! Fun (but hard) topic!!
My TBR list is like a gazillion (and counting) miles long!
But, after painstaking deliberation, I have narrowed my gajillion miles long TBR list to this teeny post:)
(In no particular order; click the image to go to the Goodreads page:)
1. Unhinged by A.G Howard
Always and forever Team Morpheus <3 *swoon*
The Splintered series has rapidly become one of my favorite series because, well, look at that gorgeous cover (and it's Morpheus too!)! But, besides the fact that I am indeed guilty of judging a book by its cover, the love triangle, the premise, the writing, and the plot are pretty awesome! This series is one of few series that I actually love the love triangle because it's so well done. No insta-love, no YOU ARE MINE mentality, and (my personal favorite) the boys have an ACTUAL PERSONALITY (bad-boy gentlemen is all I'm going to say ;). A rare species indeed in YA.
2. Now I'll Tell You Everything by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (Previously known as Always Alice)
I'm so sad this series is done!! I love Alice so much! She is so funny, awkward, deep, and real. I'm going to miss my yearly doses of Alice's craziness and adventures. ;)
3.Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
Beauty and the Beast+Graceling? YES PLEASE.
4. Just One Day by Gayle Forman
I love Gayle Forman's writing style! It's both refreshingly calm and emotional at the same time. (Weird way to describe it, but it's best explained- of course!- by reading the book ;). And her character development? AWESOME. Can't wait to read this one!
5. Horde by Ann Aguirre
You guys all know about my love for the Razorland series! <3
I can't believe this series is ending also ;*(.
5. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
This one's a reread, a thoughtful and melancholy novel perfect for a cold (read: 70 degrees) day!
6. The Dragon Keeper by Carole Wilkinson
My name is Kyendwarrior, and I have a dragon obsession. How did I get hooked? It all started with a rider named (no not Eragon) Ben and a rat named Rosa... It was all up hill (xD weak pun, but nonetheless a pun!) from there.
7. The Smoke Thief by Shana Abe
What's better than dragons? Dragons with thieves!:)
8. Book of Broken Hearts by Sarah Ockler
I love Twenty Boy Summer and Bittersweet! Her books are so light and fluffy that I just gobble them up (esp. Bittersweet! SO. MANY. CUPCAKES. Yum!:))

I recently found out that Ms. Park had passed away due to ovarian cancer. Her beloved Junie B. Jones books have touched my life (they were one of the first books to get me hooked onto reading!), and I will always and forever be grateful to her for providing me with not only the bestest friend a 6 (and 7 and 8 and 9...) year old could have, but also opening up to me the wonderful world of reading. Rest in peace.
(Shh don't tell Uncle Rick, but Ms. Park is actually my all time favorite author! ;)
10. Day Boy and Night Girl by George MacDonald
Whoops look at that! The numbering slipped! Oh well.. xD
So I actually read little snippets of this book in the Razorland series, but I didn't know it was an actual (real life) book! It sounds really interesting- a fairy tale!- and I can't wait to read it!
So that's it for now!
What are your top ten books on your winter list of books to read?
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