Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by the wonderful Rachel over at Parajunkee and the fabulous Alison over at Alison Can Read
*I've hidden the spoiler, so highlight the page to see it.*
This week's question:
Change the Plot. If you could, what book would you change the ending or a plot thread? Go ahead and do it…change it.
Hmm... I have a few books in mind, but I'll go with Allegiant by Veronica Roth, just because I've read this fairly recently.
Where to begin with this book? (LOL)
My main issue was that I felt there wasn't enough
"stuff" (plot-wise, action-wise) for a third book, let alone a third book as ginormous as Allegiant. I would first off make it shorter and take out all the slow/talky bits. No more just going from here to there or talking about this or that; people would start doing something and start doing that now instead of all at the end. I would also make the book into one perspective, which would prevent *Tris's death*, but I REALLY didn't like the two perspective thing here. (Tris and Four sounded EXACTLY the same.) Lastly, I would change the reason for making the four factions. (That was really disappointing.)
"stuff" (plot-wise, action-wise) for a third book, let alone a third book as ginormous as Allegiant. I would first off make it shorter and take out all the slow/talky bits. No more just going from here to there or talking about this or that; people would start doing something and start doing that now instead of all at the end. I would also make the book into one perspective, which would prevent *Tris's death*, but I REALLY didn't like the two perspective thing here. (Tris and Four sounded EXACTLY the same.) Lastly, I would change the reason for making the four factions. (That was really disappointing.)
So what book would you have chosen for the rewrite?
Leave a comment below! :)
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I feel so behind everyone because I still haven't finished this series. However spoilers don't bother me so I was aware this happened.
I'm a new follower via bloglovin. I look forward to seeing your future posts.
Here's my Follow Friday post if you'd like to check it out.
Rebecca @ Vicariously!
I liked Alllegiant but you have valid points. Nice rewrite.
P.S. followed you.
Rimsha@Ramblings of a Bookworm
I haven't read the Divergent serie yet but I'm hoping to get to it before I see the first movie! I'll keep your points in mind for when I get to Allegiant! I'm a new follower!
Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great weekend
My Friday Post
Juli @ Universe in Words
Good point. I feel like I'm one of the few people who didn't openly despise this ending. I didn't like it but I get what she was trying to do. The longer I sit with it, the more I feel okay about it.
Happy FF! New GFC follower.
I've seen this one around today :)
Hopping through. I would change almost everything about Allegiant except the ending. I really liked that.
@BecAlora LOL. I'm the complete opposite. xD I do everything in my known power to avoid spoilers at all costs! :)
Thank you so much for the follow and for stopping!! :)
@Rimsha Salam
:) Thanks!
And thank you for stopping by and for following!:)
@Juli Rahel
Divergent was really, really good (it was just Allegiant that was meh...), and I do hope you enjoy it! :)
Thank you so much for the follow and for stopping by!:) Have a fantastic weekend!
I hated this last book too! And it's on my FF as well. I really did't like the dual POV and I'm pretty mad about what happened to Tris.
New bloglovin and GFC follower!
@ My Thoughts...Literally!
I too have sat with that ending (a month lol), and I do (begrudgingly) admit that it was unexpected and creative, but because I REALLY did not like the two points of views, and by this point, I didn't really care what happened, the ending didn't impact me as much as it could have. My overall feelings were conflicted between like and hate, so I've settled on neutral (for the ending that is). xD
Thank you so much for stopping by and for following! :D
@Valentina Cano
I wouldn't recommend this book, but give it try! Just because it didn't click with me doesn't mean it won't click with you. :)
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@Alison Can Read
I was conflicted about the ending(it wasn't the best nor the worst to me), but on the whole, I agree with you; I would change just about everything. The only thing I really liked about this book was Peter's development/growth. :)
Thank you so much for stopping by and for following!:)
@Kimi Barra
Actually, I kinda liked what happened to Tris. xD LOL It sounds morbid, but it was just so unexpected and creative that I cannot not give props to the author. :) But there were other stuff involved in that ending and the book as a whole that just made me not like the ending, but not hate it either. So, it was okay. If I had been more invested into the book (emotionally), then maybe my feelings would be different, but for now, it's a "so what?" type of ending for me.
And Yes! I HATED the dual perspective! I wish it was all Tris! :(
Thank you so much for stopping by and for the follow!!;)
I can't read your answer cause I haven't read that trilogy.
New GFC follower.
My FF:
@My Midnight Fantasies
lol :) I don't really recommend Allegiant, but give it a shot! I didn't like it, but maybe you will. :)
I did love Divergent though.
Thank you so much for the follow and for stopping by!:)
I get frustrated when I can't tell the difference between POVs too. Or when a guy's sounds like his girlfriend's or vice versa. This is a popular pick today!
I agree. (We re-wrote a part of Twilight for ours also!)
Edward/Bella never felt right to me. In the beginning it was cute, but the more it progressed, the worse it felt. there are times when the good girl/bad boy thing click and there are other times when it's just so off base that its a turn off. Not that fictional characters should be role models for real life situations, but I couldn't help but put myself in Bellas place and wonder why she took so much S*** from him!
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